The members of your audience may be from different groups, or they may all be part of the same group. Group membership describes an association with two or more people.
In general, one can look at two types of groups:
Primary and secondary groups both influence our attitudes, values, and beliefs but occur over different periods of time and at different intensities.
1a. Primary Groups
Primary group membership shapes the attitudes, values, and beliefs of its members; the members are likely to reflect or express those when listening to a speaker.
Audience members who are part of a primary group that is more long-lasting will share experiences with the other group members who shape their beliefs, attitudes, and world views.
Also, one may have to agree to a set of norms or values which are shared by all members in order to become a member of a group. Some group memberships involve selection by other group members and initiation into the group.
term to know
Primary Group
A small social group whose members share personal and lasting relationships. The family is the most important primary group.
1b. Secondary Groups
Secondary groups, in contrast to primary groups, are large groups involving formal and institutional relationships. Secondary relationships involve weak emotional ties and little personal knowledge of one another.
Most secondary groups are short-term, beginning and ending without particular significance. They may last for years or may disband after a short time. The formation of primary groups happens within secondary groups. Primary groups can be present in secondary settings.
When you are attending a university, you are part of a secondary group at a student activity; while at the university, you may form friendships or relationships that will last a lifetime, which would be a primary group.
This group of people is participating in an activity together at a summer camp. Their affiliation is short-term and considered a secondary group.
Generally speaking, the longer and more actively one is involved with a group, the more likely the member is to share ideas and profess beliefs shared by other group members.
Members of a college club may share only an interest in a particular sport or activity, whereas members of a fraternity or sorority may be more involved by living together like a family and professing similar attitudes and beliefs.
Foreknowledge of the audience's affiliations and the associated values, beliefs, and attitudes will help the speaker prepare the message.
You may be speaking to members who are all part of the same group, such as on-campus sobriety or DeMolay; the members of the two groups will have different shared background experiences and beliefs based on their membership in that group.
term to know
Secondary Group
A large group involving formal and institutional relationships. Secondary relationships involve weak emotional ties and little personal knowledge of one another.
2. Physical Context
The physical context is the setting where the speech occurs. You can prepare for three different contexts:
Face-to-face with a co-located audience
A speaker with a live audience to remote audiences
A speaker with no live audience to different remote locations by videoconferencing technology
A co-located audience listens to a speaker in an auditorium at the University of Liège.
2a. Physical Context for the Combined Co-Located Audience
The physical context for the co-located audience is the setting or room where you speak. There are several questions to consider about the space.
Here is a checklist:
What is the size of the room or other area?
If outdoors, where is the location, and what is the weather like?
Is there any significance to the location, such as a historic landmark or memorial?
Is this a special occasion, such as a holiday celebration or an anniversary of an event at the site?
What is the anticipated size of the audience and the arrangement of seating?
Will there be a stage, podium, or lectern?
What equipment is available, such as a microphone, computer, or projection system?
Will there be an ethernet or wi-fi connection?
At what time of the day will your speech occur, and will the audience be alert or sleepy after eating?
If you are not the only speaker, you want to confirm the order of speaking with the emcee so you know where and when you can access any equipment needed for your presentation. Checking out the physical context will allow you to plan, so you are not attempting to borrow or move equipment before getting up to speak.
term to know
To locate or be located at the same site, for two things or groups at the same space.
2b. Physical Context for the Combined Co-Located Audience With One or More Secondary Locations
You may find yourself speaking in one primary location with the audio or video of your speech being streamed live to other secondary locations.
You will be aware of your primary location but will not know what is happening in the other locations.
When you have a live audience co-located in front of you, it will be easier to relate to and respond to the audience and avoid many of the problems associated with delivery by webcam or web conferencing-only technology.
2c. Physical Context When Speaking to Remote Locations by Videoconferencing Technology
With videoconferencing, you deliver a message to two or more locations by computer-mediated communication. You may deliver the speech to another location without interaction or engage in two-way interaction with the different locations.
Rear Adm. J. Kevin Moran, the commander at the Naval Personnel Development Command (NPDC) in Norfolk, Virginia, speaks by videoconference to an audience at the Center for Aviation Technical Training (CNATT).
In order to videoconference, you will need access to the basic components:
Video input: video camera or webcam
Video output: computer monitor, television, or projector for the audience
Audio input for the speaker: microphones, CD/DVD player, cassette player, or any other source of PreAmp audio outlet
Audio output for the audience: usually loudspeakers connected with the display monitor or TV
Data transfer: analog or digital telephone network, LAN, or internet
Computer: a data processing unit that ties together the other components does the compressing and decompressing, and initiates and maintains the data linkage via the network
There are basically two kinds of videoconferencing systems which you may encounter:
Non-portable are used for large rooms or small dedicated conferencing rooms. They have all required components packaged into a single equipment console.
Portable systems are available for use with small audiences in small meeting rooms and for video seminars. You can create your own simple system with a webcam, microphone, headset, or speakers. You can now deliver the message using a broadband internet connection to a small group audience at minimal or no cost.
Since you do not have a live audience in front of you while speaking in this context, there are several issues to address:
Eye contact: Eye contact plays a large role in large and small group communication. Many videoconferencing systems give the impression that the speaker is avoiding eye contact. You may find it necessary to practice with the camera and study how eye contact will be perceived by the remote audience and adjust accordingly.
Appearance consciousness: A second psychological problem with videoconferencing is being on camera, with the video stream possibly even being recorded. The anxiety may be similar to stage fright, but there is a difference since you really do not know how the remote listeners are reacting to you. Check out how you appear by recording a sample of your speech and viewing it to adjust to being on camera.
Signal latency: An increased latency (time lag) larger than about 150–300 ms becomes noticeable and is soon observed as unnatural and distracting. With high bandwidth systems, the latency problem is minimized, but you are still well advised to minimize quick moves and rapid gestures while speaking, since some audience members may have slower connections.
In this lesson, you learned how to incorporate group membership and physical context into your audience analysis. An important tip for speakers is to gain foreknowledge of the audience's affiliations and the associated values, beliefs, and attitudes. This will help speakers prepare their message. Group members can classify their membership in two categories: primary (family or fraternal organizations) and secondary (clubs, associations, or colleges). Generally speaking, the longer and more actively one is involved with a group, the more likely the member is to share ideas and profess beliefs shared by other group members.
You also learned about three possible physical contexts that can impact your speech. A combined co-located audience, with or without secondary locations, requires additional preparation and technology to reach, as does a virtual audience addressed using videoconferencing tools.
To locate or be located at the same site, for two things or groups at the same space.
Primary Group
A small social group whose members share personal and lasting relationships. The family is the most important primary group.
Secondary Group
A large group involving formal and institutional relationships. Secondary relationships involve weak emotional ties and little personal knowledge of one another.