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Types and Characteristics of Microorganisms

Author: Sophia
what's covered
In this lesson, you will learn about the types and characteristics of microbes. This introduction will prepare you to learn about these diverse organisms and acellular agents in much more detail in later tutorials. The tutorial focuses on groups of medical importance but also explains the difference between the major domains of life: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Specifically, this lesson will cover the following:

Table of Contents

1. General Characteristics of Microorganisms

Microbes differ in characteristics such as size, structure, habitat, metabolism, genetics, and more. Very broadly, microbes can be classified as acellular (without cells) or cellular. Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes have cells, but they differ in whether their cells have nuclei. However, acellular agents such as viruses do not have cells at all.

Microorganisms range in size considerably. Viruses are typically around 100 nanometers (nm) in length, although they can be larger or smaller. Bacteria are generally around 1 micrometer (μm) in length and 1 μm = 1 × 103 nm. In general, plant and animal cells are approximately 10–100 μm in length. A microscope is required to view anything smaller than about 100 μm.

Although these are average sizes, there is considerable variation. Prokaryotic cells are generally smaller than eukaryotic cells, but cells of the bacterium Thiomargarita namibiensis have been documented to reach 750 μm in diameter. In 2022, a new bacterium was discovered that is so large it can be seen without a microscope. The average length of cells of this new species, Thiomargarita magnifica, are over 9,000 μm. Eggs, even those produced by ostriches, are single eukaryotic cells.

In the image below, notice the relative sizes of various microscopic and nonmicroscopic objects. Note that a typical virus measures about 100 nm, 10 times smaller than a typical bacterium (~1 µm), which is at least 10 times smaller than a typical plant or animal cell (~10–100 µm). An object must measure about 100 µm to be visible without a microscope.

A bar along the bottom indicates size of various objects. At the far right is a from egg at approximately 1 mm. To the left are a human egg and a pollen grain at approximately 0.1 mm. Next are a standard plant and animal cell which range from 10–100 µm. Next is a red blood cell at just under 10 µm. Next are a mitochondrion and bacterial cell at approximately 1 µm. Next is a smallpox virus at approximately 500 nm. Next is a flu virus at approximately 100 nm. Next is a polio virus at approximately 50 nm. Next are proteins which range from 5–10 nm. Next are lipids which range from 2-5 nm. Next is C60 (fullerene molecule) which is approximately 1 nm. Finally, atoms are approximately 0.1 nm. Light microscopes can be used to view items larger than 100 nm (the size of a flu virus). Electron microscopes are useful for materials from 1.5 nm (larger than an atom) to 1 µm (the size of many bacteria).

2. Prokaryotic Microorganisms

Prokaryotic microorganisms are single-celled organisms that lack a true membrane-bound nucleus, in addition to many other differences from eukaryotic cells. You will learn more about the characteristics of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in other lessons.

The two major groups of prokaryotes are classified within the domains Bacteria and Archaea. Both of these groups are highly diverse and found in widely different habitats, including on and within humans.

2a. Bacteria

The domain Bacteria includes prokaryotes that usually have a cell wall that contains peptidoglycan, which is a substance that provides rigidity to help protect the cell and maintain cell shape. Like all living cells, bacteria have a cell membrane. They also have a single circular chromosome of DNA.

One of the most obvious characteristics of bacteria viewed under a microscope is their shape, which can be useful in classification. The most common shapes are spherical (coccus), rod-shaped (bacillus), curved rods (vibrio), spherical rods (coccobacillus), rigid spirals (spirillum), and flexible spirals (spirochete).

The shape is often part of the name of the bacterium.


Bacillus subtilis is a well-studied, common rod-shaped bacterium that is common in soil. The medically important bacterium Staphylococcus aureus has clusters of spherical cells. S. aureus is common on the skin, but it can cause infections and has become a common cause of antibiotic-resistant infections.

The images below show the common bacterial shapes. Note how coccobacillus is a combination of spherical (coccus) and rod-shaped (bacillus).

Each shape designation includes a drawing and a micrograph. Coccus is a spherical shape. Bacillus is a rod shape. Vibrio is the shape of a comma. Coccobacillus is an elongated oval. Spirillum is a rigid spiral. Spirochete is a flexible spiral.
Source: “Coccus,” modification of work by Janice Haney Carr, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; “Coccobacillus,” modification of work by Janice Carr, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; “Spirochete,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Bacteria have diverse lifestyles. Some, such as cyanobacteria, are photosynthetic and use energy from the sun to build organic molecules such as sugars from inorganic molecules such as carbon dioxide. Others, such as bacteria that live in hot water vents at the bottom of the ocean, are chemosynthetic and can use chemical reactions to do the same thing. Many bacteria cannot do this and must consume preformed organic molecules just as animals do. Most pathogens, or bacteria that cause disease, fall into this category and have to consume organic molecules.


The pathogens that cause tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) and strep throat (Streptococcus pyogenes) must consume organic molecules. You will learn more about these organisms and their lifestyles in other lessons.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae bacteria can cause respiratory infections in humans, although the infections are often relatively mild. Unlike most bacteria, these organisms lack cell walls. Human and other animal cells do not have cell walls, which is one reason that cell walls are an important target of antibiotics such as penicillin. How do you think this affects which antibiotics can be used to treat infections caused by M. pneumoniae? In a broader sense, how do you think studying bacterial characteristics can be useful in developing and choosing medical treatments? You will learn more about infections and antibiotics in other lessons.

term to know
An organism that causes disease.

2b. Archaea

Although archaea may seem similar to bacteria at first glance, they are very different. These groups differ in their genetics, metabolic pathways, cell membrane composition, and cell wall composition. In some cases, archaea are more similar to eukaryotes than to prokaryotes.

One important difference between bacteria and archaea is that archaea do not have peptidoglycan cell walls. Some archaea have cell walls with pseudomurein, which is similar in function to peptidoglycan but has a different chemical structure. Some have other chemicals. S-layers are protein arrays found on the surface of most archaea and some bacteria. You will learn more about cell walls in other lessons.

Archaea are found in many different places, including the human body and some environments that are very extreme in temperature or salt content, such as Halobacterium salinarum. Archaea are found in frozen ground in the Arctic, in ocean water, in very hot environments such as areas of geothermal activity like Yellowstone National Park, and in many other places.

A micrograph shows a clump of oval- to rod-shaped cells.
These cells are Halobacterium, which is an archaean that thrives in salty environments.

Some archaea live in extreme environments, such as in the image below of Morning Glory Pool, a hot spring in Yellowstone National Park. The color differences in the pool result from the different communities of microbes that are able to thrive at various water temperatures.

A photograph of a pool of water that changes in color from orange on the edges to blue in the center.

3. Eukaryotic Microorganisms

Eukaryotic microorganisms all have cells that contain true membrane-bound nuclei. They include protists (such as algae) as well as fungi and helminths (which are worms). All of these groups include microscopic organisms (e.g., the larvae of helminths are microscopic) as well as some large organisms that are visible to the naked eye.

3a. Protists

Although protists used to be grouped in a single kingdom, that is no longer the case as they are a very diverse group. Many are single celled, but some are multicellular.

Photosynthetic protists are called algae (singular: alga). They are important at the base of food chains. Many organisms eat microscopic algae. Larger algae are often called seaweed and are another important food source. However, some species of algae can cause significant problems when something like fertilizer runoff causes their overgrowth. These organisms can become so abundant that they lead to large amounts of decomposition as they die, resulting in the depletion of the oxygen used by the organisms that consume them. Some algae produce toxins that harm or kill other organisms and become very problematic when they are overabundant.

did you know
In the laboratory, bacteria are often grown on a nutritive medium that contains agar, which solidifies it. Agar works like gelatin, which is used to make desserts, but it melts at a relatively high temperature. Agar is made from algae.

The image below shows assorted diatoms, a kind of algae, that live in annual sea ice in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Diatoms range in size from 2 to 200 μm and are visualized here using light microscopy.

A light micrograph with a black background and glowing cells. The cells have many different shapes ranging from circular to stacks of rectangles to almond shaped. A scale bar indicates how much space 100 microns takes up in this figure.

Protozoa are a diverse group of protists, many of which are nonphotosynthetic. Many protozoa can move using whip-like flagella, hair-like cilia, or protrusions of their cell membranes called pseudopodia.

An S.E.M micrograph showing a triangular cell with three long, thin projections; one from the end and two from the middle of the cell. The cell is approximately 3 x 8 µm in size.
Giardia lamblia, an intestinal protozoan parasite that infects humans and other mammals and can cause severe diarrhea.

Many protists are harmless, but some cause diseases.


Some diseases caused by protists include malaria, toxoplasmosis, and giardiasis (caused by G. lamblia). Additionally, Entamoeba histolytica causes a gastrointestinal illness, and Naegleria fowleri is the infamous “brain-eating” amoeba that causes an infection that is almost always fatal. You will learn more about these organisms and diseases in other lessons.

term to know
Photosynthetic protists that may be single celled or multicellular or a group of photosynthetic bacteria sometimes called cyanobacteria.

3b. Fungi

Fungi (singular: fungus) are eukaryotes that can be single celled or multicellular and have cell walls containing chitin. Fungi are not photosynthetic but instead secrete digestive enzymes that are used to break down nutrients for absorption.

Single-celled fungi are called yeasts. Molds are an example of multicellular fungi. Mushrooms are fruiting bodies produced by some fungi.

Fungi can be beneficial in multiple ways. They are very important in nutrient cycling because of their role in decomposition.


Mushrooms and other fungi may be found growing on dead wood as they break it down. They can be useful in producing food as well. For example, yeast is used to produce bread. Some pharmaceuticals are produced by fungi, including penicillin.

However, some types of fungi are harmful. Ringworm, athlete’s foot, and yeast infections are all caused by fungi. Mold often grows on bread or cheese. Fungi can sometimes cause serious systemic infections as well.


Inhaled fungal spores can cause a potentially dangerous lung infection called histoplasmosis. Chytrids have caused large-scale declines in the amphibian population around the world. Additionally, some fungi produce dangerous toxins. Poisonous mushrooms are one example. Aspergillus fungi produce two toxins, and infection is associated with a variety of symptoms and with the development of liver cancer.

A light micrograph with a clear background and blue cells. A long row of cells forms a central strand. Attached to this are clusters of many spherical cells. Each cell is approximately 5 µm in size and contains a nucleus.

The image above shows Candida albicans, which is a unicellular fungus, or yeast. It causes vaginal yeast infections as well as oral thrush, a yeast infection of the mouth that commonly affects infants. C. albicans has a morphology similar to that of coccus bacteria; however, yeast is a eukaryotic organism (note the nuclei) and is much larger.

Large colonies of microscopic fungi can often be observed with the naked eye, as seen on the surface of these moldy oranges.
Large colonies of microscopic fungi can often be observed with the naked eye, as seen on the surface of these moldy oranges.

3c. Helminths

Helminths are multicellular parasitic worms. They are often included in the study of microbiology because they produce microscopic eggs and larvae.

Some helminths cause serious illnesses. People can become infected with guinea worms (Dracunculus medinensis) through contaminated water. Hookworms, which are picked up from the soil, cause gastrointestinal infections. Some flukes also cause human infections. Tapeworms are also helminths and infect humans when they are consumed in undercooked meat.

The roundworm Dirofilaria immitis causes heartworm disease in cats and dogs, among other animals. In dogs, this parasite enters the circulatory system and reproduces in the pulmonary arteries that carry blood from the heart to the lungs. Because the illness can be severe or even fatal, affecting blood flow and the function of the heart and lungs, many dogs are given treatment to prevent infection in areas where the parasite is common. If dogs become infected, treatment can be very difficult. Cats are not a normal host for these roundworms, which usually do not mature in cats. However, cats can experience respiratory illness or even die. The infection will often get better on its own, but treatment is very difficult as the medications that are effective in dogs are dangerous to cats. For this reason, preventive medication is often recommended for cats that are at risk of infection.

The image below shows (a) the beef tapeworm, Taenia saginata. It infects both cattle and humans. T. saginata eggs are microscopic (around 50 µm), but adult worms like the one shown here can reach 4–10 m, taking up residence in the digestive system. The image also shows an adult guinea worm (b), Dracunculus medinensis, being removed through a lesion in the patient’s skin by winding it around a matchstick.

A long, flat, white worm folded back and forth on a black background, and a lesion on a patient. A worm is being pulled out of the lesion and being wrapped around a matchstick.

4. Acellular Agents

Acellular agents are not technically alive because they are not made of cells, but they can replicate by infecting a host cell. In this way, they can potentially cause disease.

Viruses are the most well-known example of an acellular agent. They have genetic material (DNA or RNA) that can be single stranded or double stranded. In contrast, cells must have DNA and RNA. Viruses also have a structure made of protein (a capsid) that surrounds their genetic material.

A virus has a capsid with many flat triangular sides and thin fibers extending outward from each vertex to a spherical knob.
A virus has a capsid with many flat triangular sides and thin fibers extending outward from each vertex to a spherical knob.

term to know
A protein covering surrounding the genetic material of a virus.

make the connection
If you're taking the Microbiology Lab course simultaneously with this lecture, it's a good time to try the “Bacterial Cell Structures: An introduction to the bacterial cell” Activity in Unit 2 of the Lab course. Good luck!

In this lesson, you learned about the general characteristics of microorganisms, including their size ranges and ways in which major groups differ. In particular, you learned the major characteristics that distinguish the domains of life. You learned about prokaryotic microorganisms, including bacteria and archaea, and about eukaryotic microorganisms, including protists, fungi, and helminths. Finally, you learned about acellular agents such as viruses. This provided important background information to understand the medical and ecological importance of each of these groups. Additionally, this tutorial prepared you to understand the structures of prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells, and viruses.

Source: THIS CONTENT HAS BEEN ADAPTED FROM OPENSTAX’s “MICROBIOLOGY”. ACCESS FOR FREE AT Textbook content produced by OpenStax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections. Retrieved July 24, 2022 from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). Mycoplasma pneumoniae: Antibiotics and Resistance. Retrieved July 24, 2022 from

File: Halobacteria.jpg. (2022, June 28). Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Retrieved 16:55, July 27, 2022 from

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Terms to Know

Photosynthetic protists that may be single celled or multicellular or a group of photosynthetic bacteria sometimes called cyanobacteria.


A protein covering surrounding the genetic material of a virus.


An organism that causes disease.