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The Human Development

Author: Jennifer Fernandez

Human Life Cycle

The Human Development Stages

Writing Assignment

In your group of four, look at the pictures I have passed out and discuss the following questions: 

  1. What do you think happens in each stage of the life cycle?
  2. Do you notice any differences in each development?

Human Life Cycle Poster

On this poster, you will see the different stages we go through in life: as a baby, to a child, to a teen, to an adult, to an elder, and as to death.

Human Milestones in Each Stage

We will go over the milestones that happen during each stage.

Writing Activity

Discuss within your group of four, what are some other milestones that we go through during each stage. On your colored post-it, that I passed out write a different milestone for each developmental stage and post it on the piece of paper that I have taped to the whiteboard. 

(On the wall I will have a piece of paper marked with the life stages and the students will stick their post under the stage they think their milestone belongs.)

Final Question