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Sterilization, Disinfectants, and Antiseptics

Author: Sophia

what's covered
In this lesson, you will learn about the different ways in which microbial growth is controlled. This is important to reduce the spread of disease. It allows surgeries to be performed safely. Additionally, it allows researchers to work with microbes of interest while avoiding contamination from other microbes. This lesson will provide you with the terminology and background information to learn about specific approaches to control in other lessons. Specifically, this lesson will cover the following:

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Controlling Microbial Growth

There are many reasons why it can be useful to control microbial growth. For example, someone may clean a dinner table before eating or clean a surface before preparing food on it. A doctor needs to reduce the risk of one patient spreading a pathogen to the next patient. Surgical instruments need to be especially clean, or infection after surgery would be common.

Control of microbial growth differs depending on the context. In this lesson, the focus is on microbes on surfaces. For example, one way to reduce the spread of disease is by cleaning the inanimate objects (fomites) on which microbes may be left by one person and picked up by another. In other lessons, you will learn about the ways in which medications are used to control pathogens inside the human body.

term to know
An inanimate object that may harbor microbes, potentially allowing them to spread to someone else to cause disease.

2. Definitions and Comparisons of Methods of Control

Two major considerations are especially important in choosing a method of microbial control on an object or surface. First, it is important to consider the way in which an object will be used. For example, a surgical instrument requires a much higher level of cleanliness than a kitchen table. For this purpose, items can be classified as critical (meaning that they must be sterile), semicritical (meaning that they require a high level of disinfection), or noncritical (meaning that they need to be clean but not highly disinfected).


Surgical instruments are critical items and must be sterile. A medical instrument that contacts intact skin but does not penetrate it (such as an endoscope used to view the esophagus) is semicritical. Bed linens and similar items are noncritical.

Second, it is important to consider what potential pathogens are being targeted and how resistant they are to antimicrobial treatments. Some microbes, especially those that form endospores, require harsher treatments than more sensitive species.

In many clinical and laboratory settings, aseptic technique is used to prevent the contamination of sterile surfaces. Aseptic technique involves a combination of protocols to prevent microbial contamination. This approach is often used in the microbiology laboratory both to prevent contamination of the work area and to prevent the spreading of microbes from the work area.

In medical work, a sterile field is often designated and is kept free of all vegetative (actively growing) microbes, endospores, and viruses. For example, a sterile field is required around a surgical incision. Strict protocols are required to protect the sterility of the area, including the sterilization of equipment and materials. Introducing microbes into a patient’s body produces the risk of sepsis, a systemic inflammatory response to infection that is serious and can be lethal.

There are a variety of terms used to carefully describe the different types of microbial control. These terms are often used much more loosely in everyday conversation but have very specific meanings in microbiology. These terms are summarized below. In other lessons, you will learn more about the specific agents used for each.

The following terms refer to treatments used on inanimate surfaces or items.

  1. Sterilization means completely removing or killing all vegetative cells, endospores, and viruses. An agent capable of sterilization is called a sterilant. Sterilization is important for many medical and laboratory procedures where any possible contamination could pose a problem.
  2. Commercial sterilization is a food sterilization protocol that removes potential pathogens but uses a lower heat than needed for complete sterilization to preserve food quality. This approach targets microbes that are especially problematic as causative agents of food spoilage and foodborne disease. For especially dangerous pathogens such as Clostridium botulinum, a wide margin of error is used to increase the probability that the pathogens are effectively eliminated.
  3. Disinfection inactivates most microbes on an inanimate surface such as a table or laboratory bench. Because some microbes remain, the disinfected item is not considered sterile. The chemicals used for this purpose are called disinfectants. Good disinfectants are fast-acting, stable, easy to prepare, inexpensive, and easy to use. Disinfection is faster and easier than sterilization, so it is useful when the complete elimination of microbes is unnecessary.
  4. Sanitization refers to the removal of microbes to a level considered safe by public health standards. For example, commercial dishwashers used for food service must meet this standard.
The following terms refer to approaches used for living tissue, meaning that they have to be sufficiently safe for use on the body.
  1. Antiseptics also inactivate microbes without sterilizing a surface, but are safe to use on living tissues. The process of applying an antiseptic is called antisepsis.
  2. Degerming means reducing microbial numbers by gently scrubbing living tissue with a mild chemical such as soap (during handwashing) or alcohol. This process removes some microbes, but not all.
The table below summarizes these particularly important terms that describe the protocols for microbial control. You will learn more about the agents used for control in other lessons.

Common Protocols for Control of Microbial Growth
Protocol Definition Common Application Common Agents
For Use on Fomites
Sterilization Completely eliminates all vegetative cells, endospores, and viruses from an inanimate item Preparation of surgical equipment and needles used for injections Pressurized steam (autoclave), chemicals, and radiation
Disinfection Reduces or destroys the microbial load of an inanimate item through the application of heat or antimicrobial chemicals Cleaning surfaces like laboratory benches, clinical surfaces, and bathrooms Chlorine bleach, phenols (e.g., Lysol), and glutaraldehyde
Sanitization Reduces the microbial load of an inanimate item to safe public health levels through the application of heat or antimicrobial chemicals Commercial dishwashing of eating utensils and cleaning of public restrooms Detergents containing phosphates (e.g., Finish) and industrial-strength cleaners containing quaternary ammonium compounds
For Use on Living Tissue
Antisepsis Reduces the microbial load on skin or tissue through the application of an antimicrobial chemical Cleaning skin that is broken because of injury or before surgery Boric acid, isopropyl alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, and iodine (betadine)
Degerming Reduces the microbial load on skin or tissue through gentle to firm scrubbing and the use of mild chemicals Handwashing Soap and alcohol swabs

try it
You skin your knee after falling off of a bicycle.
What type of microbial control would most likely be appropriate to clean the skin of your knee?
Degerming and, if the skin is sufficiently damaged, antisepsis.

try it
You are preparing surgical instruments for major surgery.

terms to know
An item that must be sterile, such as an instrument that will be used inside a human body.
An item that requires a high level of disinfection, such as an endoscope to be inserted into the esophagus to view its surface.
An item that must be clean but not highly disinfected, such as bed linens.
Aseptic Technique
A combination of protocols used to prevent the contamination of sterile surfaces.
Sterile Field
A designated area kept free of all vegetative microbes, endospores, and viruses.
A systemic inflammatory response to infection that is serious and can be lethal.
Completely removing or killing all vegetative (actively growing) cells, endospores, and viruses.
An agent capable of sterilization.
Commercial Sterilization
A food sterilization protocol that removes potential pathogens but uses a lower heat than needed for complete sterilization to preserve food quality.
A process that inactivates most microbes on an inanimate surface.
A chemical used for disinfection.
Something that inactivates microbes without sterilizing a surface but that is safe to use on living tissues.
The process of applying an antiseptic.
The removal of microbes to a level considered safe by public health standards.
Reducing microbial numbers by gently scrubbing living tissue with a mild chemical.

3. Measuring Microbial Control

There is terminology to describe the extent to which different physical and chemical methods affect microbes. The suffix -cide (or -cidal) indicates that something kills, whereas the suffix -stat (or -static) indicates that something inhibits growth. For example, a virucide kills viruses and a fungicide kills fungi. In contrast, a bacteriostatic chemical inhibits growth without killing the bacteria already present. Whether a particular treatment is -cidal or -static is determined by the types of microorganisms targeted, the concentration of the chemical used, and the type of treatment applied (e.g., the type of chemical or physical method used).

did you know
You may wonder why someone would choose an agent that inhibits growth rather than one that simply kills microbes. Methods that inhibit growth are often less toxic and may be less damaging to objects. For a healthy person, inhibiting the growth of a microbe may be sufficient for their immune system to eliminate it. All of these factors must be considered in choosing the best approach to use in a particular situation.

The image below shows a microbial death curve, which is used to describe the progress and effectiveness of a particular protocol. Over time, exposure to a protocol will lead to a fixed percentage of microbes in a population dying per unit of time. The rate of death is constant regardless of the initial population size, so it is often valuable to know the percentage of the population that has been killed. As shown in the image below, this can be useful to plot death curves as semilog plots because the reduction in microorganisms is typically logarithmic. The D-value labeled on the image is the decimal reduction time (DRT), which is the amount of time it takes for a specific protocol to kill 90% of the population.

A table showing a decrease in number as microbial cells die. At time 0 there are 10 to the 10 cells. At time 5 there are 10 to the 9 cells. At time 10 there are 10 to the 8 cells.  At time 15 there are 10 to the 7 cells. At time 20 there are 10 to the 6 cells. At time 25 there are 10 to the 5 cells. At time 30 there are 10 to the 4 cells. At time 35 there are 10 to the 3 cells. At time 40 there are 10 to the 2 cells. At time 45 there are 10 to the 1 cells. At time 50 there are 10 to the 0 cells. A graph titled microbial death curve. The X axis is time and the Y axis is number of cells. Two lines indicate what this graph looks like using an arithmetic and logarithmic scale. Both lines begin at 10 to the 10 at time 0. The arithmetic scale drops quickly and is indistinguishable from 0 by 10 minutes. The logarithmic scale slopes at a clean diagonal. The D value is shown as the time it takes to move from 10 to the 6 to 10 to the 5; this occurs in 5 minutes.

terms to know
Microbial Death Curve
A graph used to describe the progress and effectiveness of a particular protocol.
Decimal Reduction Time (DRT)
The amount of time it takes for a specific protocol to kill 90% of the population.

make the connection
If you're taking the Microbiology Lab course simultaneously with this lecture, it's a good time to try the “Bacterial Growth Curves: Experiment with bacterial growth” Activity in Unit 5 of the Lab course. Good luck!

In this lesson, you learned about the ways in which microbial growth is controlled. The focus was on terminology and the approaches used on inanimate objects. After an introduction to controlling microbial growth, you learned the definitions and comparisons of methods of control. Next, you learned about measuring microbial control and how microbial death curves are used. This information provides the background that you will need to understand how specific physical and chemical control protocols work.


Terms to Know

The process of applying an antiseptic.


Something that inactivates microbes without sterilizing a surface, but that is safe to use on living tissues.

Aseptic Technique

A combination of protocols used to prevent the contamination of sterile surfaces.

Commercial Sterilization

A food sterilization protocol that removes potential pathogens but uses a lower heat than needed for complete sterilization to preserve food quality.


An item that must be sterile, such as an instrument that will be used inside a human body.

Decimal Reduction Time (DRT)

The amount of time it takes for a specific protocol to kill 90% of the population.


Reducing microbial numbers by gently scrubbing living tissue with a mild chemical.


A chemical used for disinfection.


A process that inactivates most microbes on an inanimate surface.


An inanimate object that may harbor microbes, potentially allowing them to spread to someone else to cause disease.

Microbial Death Curve

A graph used to describe the progress and effectiveness of a particular protocol.


An item that must be clean but not highly disinfected, such as bed linens.


The removal of microbes to a level considered safe by public health standards.


An item that requires a high level of disinfection, such as an endoscope to be inserted into the esophagus to view its surface.


A systemic inflammatory response to infection that is serious and can be lethal.


An agent capable of sterilization.

Sterile Field

A designated area kept free of all vegetative microbes, endospores, and viruses.


Completely removing or killing all vegetative (actively growing) cells, endospores, and viruses.