Sound waves are vibrating energy that travels through a medium. For example, when you clap your hands particles in the air begin to vibrate and those vibrations create a sound wave that can travel through the air. Sound can travel very quickly. In fact, a sound wave travels at a speed of 343 m/s or about 1/5 of a mile per second!
Amplitude= the maximum distance particles move from their rest position. The more energy a wave has the higher the amplitude will be.
Frequency= How many waves occur in a certain amount of time. The closer the waves are together the higher the frequency.
Pitch= how high or how low a sound seems to somebody listening to it.
A higher amplitude will make the sound seem louder because the wave will have more energy and a higher frequency can change the pitch. The higher the frequency the higher the note will sound. The lower the frequency the lower the note will sound.