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Role of Teacher and Student in Blended Learning

Author: Katie Hou
Video Transcript

Notes on “Role of Teacher and Student in Blended Learning”


(00:00-00:48) Introduction

(00:49-01:12) Blended Learning Recap

(01:13-01:58) iNacol’s Online Learning Teaching Standards

(01:59-04:09) Teacher’s Role

(04:10-06:17) Student’s Role

(06:18-07:21) Blended Learning Roles vs. Roles In a Traditional Classroom

(07:22-07:44) Reflection 

(07:45-08:19) Conclusion

Additional Resources

What is Genius Hour?

This website provides an overview of the Genius Hour, why to use it, and how it encourages Personalized Learning. Scroll down to the video to see how to implement the Genius Hour in your classroom. Scroll down further and click on links to learn about the Genius Hour implementation process.

5 Skills for Blended Learning for Teachers

This article by Michael Horn and Heather Staker is a useful and quick overview of the shift in the role of the teacher in a blended learning environment. The authors connect the shifts in the role of the teacher to the iNacol National Standards for Quality Online Education.

Blend My Learning: Lessons Learned from a Blended Learning Pilot

This white paper from the Rogers Foundation provides the lessons learned from a blended learning pilot through a partnership between Stanford University and local school districts. The paper is divided into seven sections that you may find useful in your own planning in moving toward a blended learning environment: Role of the Teacher, Collaboration, Environmental Design, Grading, Khan Academy, Google Chrome Book, and Quantitative Research Results. Each area includes pros, cons and suggestions for consideration (see also