This is a brief, basic introduction to MLA style, focusing specifically on the importance of cross-referencing sources, writing with a consistent format, building creditability as a writer, and avoiding plagiarism. This helpful video clip also offers some tips on finding resources relating to MLA format.
Source: YouTube
This video clip provides a general overview of MLA style. This is a great place to start if you're not sure what MLA is or if you're looking for some basic information.
Source: YouTube
For a more detailed, expansive look at MLA style from a noted online resource, the OWL at Purdue, please visit:
Also, see the Sophia Citations Learning Packet at:
Source: Rebecca Oberg
This brief video clip offers a few key tips for writing a research paper, a writing format which often uses MLA style. From organizing your research to narrowing the scope of your topic, this is a helpful starting point for those unfamiliar with the research paper writing process.
Source: YouTube