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Ordering the Main Points

Author: Sophia

what's covered
In this lesson, you learn how it is important to make sure that a speech flows properly to enhance understanding. When ordering main points, the speaker should consider the audience and find a way to make sure that the points are arranged to help retention and clarity. Specifically, this lesson will cover:

Table of Contents

1. How Many Main Points?

Try to keep the main points down to three or four with supporting sub-points. An audience will only be able to grasp so much information at one time, and the presenter does not want to bombard the audience with too much information at once.

Additionally, make sure that each of your main points is supported by the same number of sub-points or evidence. This adds balance and proportion to your speech.

term to know
A sub-point has a direct, specific relation to its major point that you can make clear by the organizational method you choose.

2. Ways to Organize the Main Points of Body

The following are the nine different ways to organize your speech, including examples to help you understand better.

Each of the main points, of course, would require additional support and evidence in a speech and are identified only to aid the conceptualization of the organizational forms.

Type of Organization Definition Example
Temporal Organization Temporal organization is the chronological approach; it is a good choice when you are telling a story, explaining research, or outlining a future plan. Explain a new project launch by explaining the process and giving timelines from start to finish:
  • In the first phase…
  • In the second phase…
  • In the final phase…
Cause-Effect Organization Cause-effect organization is telling why something happened; cause-effect may be used for past, present, or future events and processes. Cause-effect can also be reversed, from effect back to cause. Costs have been rising over the last year. There are several causes for this change. OR
There are new factors causing changes in our industry. The effect has been higher costs all around.
Spatial Pattern Organization When using spatial patterns, be sure to proceed systematically from one place to the next, following a clear order. A size sequence is a variation on spatial organization, describing different artifacts from smallest to largest (or from largest to smallest). This is useful when describing something, especially a progression through a place/time or a physical object. First you enter here, then you go through there, and you end up…
Topical Organization Topical organization is an appropriate approach when the subject matter has clear categories of division. Animals: mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians
Importance Patterns Patterns of importance can be used to discuss the different reasons for something and then designate their importance. If you are reporting three problems to your senior management, organize each in order of importance to the company.
Compare/Contrast Comparing and contrasting takes two or more entities and draws attention to their differences and/or similarities. Define the problem and present options to solve the problem. Compare and contrast them to show the positives and negatives for each. Explain why one of those options is the best choice.
Problem-Solution Problem-solution organization involves the identification of a problem followed by a possible solution. Problem: We need to cut our travel costs.
Solution: Hold more client meetings online rather than in person.
Stock Issues Stock issues are designed to organize presentations on issues of policy in a more complicated way than simple problem-solution. There are generally four main components to this organizational scheme:
  1. A description of the current system (inherency, or the inherent flaws in the current system).
  2. Explanation of the harms that result from the current system (harms).
  3. A program to address those harms (a plan of action).
  4. Reasons why the plan would be preferable to keeping the current system (solvency or why the plan would help the problem).
  1. Our current reliance on fossil fuels is not sustainable in the long term.
  2. We are paying a price with increased air and water pollution and global warming.
  3. Investing in solar energy, hydroelectric energy, and biofuels will move us in the right direction.
  4. If we do not change course, we could face even larger challenges in the future. Taking these steps now will slow global warming and improve health for people around the world.
Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Monroe's motivated sequence is a good organizational tactic for persuasive speaking. It has five components:
  1. Attention
  2. Need
  3. Satisfaction
  4. Visualization
  5. Action
Attention: Our lakes are becoming more and more polluted.
Need: We are no longer able to fish or swim in many of our lakes.
Satisfaction: Using organic products on our lawns and gardens will decrease pollution levels and restore our lakes.
Visualization: We will once again be able to fish and swim in those lakes.
Action: Here’s what we need to do. Will you join me?

term to know
In order of time from the earliest to the latest.

In this lesson, you learned that when ordering main points, the speaker should consider the audience and find a way to make sure the points are selected and arranged to help retention and clarity. You learned how many main points would be salient; try to limit a speech to three or four main points with supporting sub-points to make sure the audience is not overwhelmed with too much information. Each of the main points would require additional support and evidence in a speech and is identified only to aid the conceptualization of the organizational forms. You also learned methods for organizing your main points. Asking someone to listen to the speech can help make sure that the main points flow well and are in an order that will help maximize understanding for the audience.


Terms to Know

In order of time from the earliest to the latest.


A sub-point has a direct, specific relation to its major point that you can make clear by the organizational method you choose.