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Life Cycle of a Frog

Author: Ashley Johnson

Writing Assignment

Please open the google doc provided and answer the following questions.

1. What are the stages of the life cycle of a frog (there are 5 stages)? Please write in complete sentences. 

2.  Why must frogs live close to water?

3. What did you find most interesting about the life cycle of the frog, and why?

Life Cycle of a Frog Poster

On this poster you will find the different phases in the life cycle, also known as metamorphosis of a frog, from egg, to tadpole, to an adult frog.

Frog Life Cycle pdf.

Please pull out you Science notebooks to complete page 3 from this document. Must be turned in at the end of class today.


Writing Assignment

Please open up the google doc provided and answer the following questions in complete sentences.  This assignment needs to be turned in by the end of class today.

1.  What are the different stages of the life cycle of the frog (hint: there are 5)? Make sure to put in chronological order.

2. Why must frogs live close to water? 

3. What other plants or animals go through the transformation called metamorphosis?