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Introduction to Cognitive Flexibility Theory

Author: Jody Waltman
Video Transcript

Notes on "Introduction to Cognitive Flexibility Theory"

(00:00 - 00:25) Introduction

(00:26 - 00:56) Definition

(00:57 - 01:53) Key Elements

(01:54 - 02:29) Benefits

(02:30 - 03:47) Cognitive Flexibility vs Traditional Learning 

(03:48 - 04:26) Best Practices and Tips

(04:27 - 05:01) Review

(05:02 - 05:35) Stop and Reflect

Additional Resources

Cognitive Flexibility Theory and the Post-Gutenberg Mind: Rand Spiro's Home Page

This web page includes research, reflections, and videos on cognitive flexibility theory. Rand Spiro posts research, his latest thinking, and questions for educators to consider relative to the application of cognitive flexibility in the classroom.

Cognitive Flexibility, Constructivism, and Hypertext: Random Access Instruction for Advanced Knowledge Acquisition in Ill-Structured Domains

This is a seminal article on understanding cognitive flexibility theory. Click on the link to download.

Developing a growth mindset

In this blog, the author reviews the premise of Carol Dweck's growth mindset. Additionally, the author provides how-to strategies for teachers to build a growth mindset with their students. There are helpful infographics to illustrate the concept.