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Informative Speeches: Definition and Types

Author: Sophia

what's covered
In this lesson, you will learn about informative speeches. Specifically, this lesson will cover:

Table of Contents

1. Defining an Informative Speech

An informative speech intends to educate the audience on a particular topic. There are many different types of informative speeches, including speeches that describe the conditions of a subject and speeches that instruct the audience on how to perform an action.

The main goal of an informative speech is to provide enlightenment regarding a specific topic the audience knows nothing about. It may demonstrate how to use a new type of software, explain a new concept in the field of science, describe an expedition an archaeologist took, or provide details about a person of interest that the audience wants to learn more about.

The topics covered in an informative speech should help the audience to understand a subject better and to remember what they learned later. The goal of this type of speech isn't to sway the audience to the speaker's point of view. Instead, the details need to be laid before the audience so they can make an educated decision or learn about a subject they are interested in.

However, it is important for the speaker to think about how this information will be presented. An informative speech should rely less on pathos, or an appeal to the audience's emotions, a technique that is more commonly used in persuasive speeches.

Instead, an informative speech might rely on visual aids, for example, in order to give the audience a visual representation of important information contained in the speech. Providing the information in multiple forms during the speech increases the likelihood that the audience will retain the information included in the speech.

term to know
Providing knowledge, especially useful or interesting information.

2. Types of Informative Speeches

An informative speech informs the audience. However, as should be clear, this general definition demonstrates that there are many ways to inform an audience. Therefore, there are several types of informative speeches.

The main types of informative speeches include:

  • Definition
  • Descriptive
  • Explanatory
  • Demonstration

2a. Definition

A definition speech explains the meaning, theory, or philosophy of a specific topic that the audience likely does not know much about. The topics may be general, such as a sport, or highly specific, like a particular person.

The main goal of this speech is to educate the audience so that they understand the main points regarding this subject.

2b. Demonstration

A demonstration speech explains how to do something. If you have ever sat through a lecture where a teacher explained how to create a bibliography, you have heard a demonstration speech.

Like most informative speeches, a how-to speech will likely use visual examples that show the audience how to move from step to step through a particular activity.

Visualizations help the audience retain what each step looks like, increasing the likelihood that they will retain the overall information of the speech.

2c. Explanatory

An explanatory speech might give a description of the state of a given topic.


Consider the types of speeches that are given at industry conferences. The goal of these speeches is for the speaker to inform the audience about a particular part of an industry.

Commonly, these will also utilize visualizations that give the audience a visual representation of the particular data or statistics contained in the speech. This is one way to condense highly complex information into an easily retainable package for the audience.

2d. Descriptive

A descriptive speech creates a vivid picture in a person's mind regarding an object, person, animal, or place.


An archaeologist who has discovered a new temple in South America or a paleontologist who believes they have found a new dinosaur may use a descriptive speech to inform an interested audience about their recent discoveries.

big idea
There are many ways information can be communicated in a speech. When deciding which type of informative speech you want to write and deliver, consider what you want the audience to know about your topic.

In this lesson, you learned about informative speeches. This type of speech uses descriptions, demonstrations, vivid detail, and definitions to explain a subject, person, or place that the audience wants to understand. Unlike persuasive speeches, an informative speech relies less on pathos and more on communicating information. You also learned that there are various types of informative speeches: definition, demonstration, explanatory, and descriptive.


Terms to Know

Providing knowledge, especially useful or interesting information.