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Experimental design refers to how an experiment is carried out. Many experimental designs include a control group and a treatment group to compare effects of treatment (exercise, drug, video watching, etc.). You can have a good design of an experiment or a poor design of an experiment.
Good experimental design will have these three components:
Control means holding everything else besides what you're trying to measure constant. The purpose is to determine whether or not your treatment is effective. In other words, if there is an observable difference between groups, is it due to the treatments or due to a confounding variable? It is important to control all other variables to help limit confounding.
One common way to control an experiment is with a control group. A control group is a set of samples that do not receive the treatment under consideration. For instance, if you were studying a new cancer treatment, a control group might get the standard cancer treatment care, while the treatment group receives the new drug or treatment being evaluated. In this case, the control group allows researchers to measure the effectiveness of the treatment against a group that is otherwise similar. Generally, the participants won't know if they are in the control or treatment group, as this knowledge can affect the results.
Suppose you are a farmer, and you want to try a new fertilizer in your field. One thing you could do is choose 10 fields with similar soil nutrients, sunlight, and water—all variables that could affect the crop growth.
You could then apply the old fertilizer to five fields and the new fertilizer to the other five. By keeping all the other variables—soil nutrients, sunlight, water—consistent, the differences between the fields can be isolated and attributed to the old fertilizer or the new fertilizer.
Does the new fertilizer work? Is it effective? This is the idea behind controlling for all of these other variables.
The second big idea of experimental design is randomization. The treatments must be assigned to the subject using a random process, otherwise known as “randomization.” The purpose of random assignment is to try and filter out all the other sources of variation that you couldn't anticipate controlling for.
Referring to the farmer example, even though you made the fields as similar as possible with respect to water, sunlight, and soil, it's possible that there is a variable that you didn't think to control for. Perhaps some fields had moles under the ground, and that would affect how the crops grow. How would you know to control for moles?Randomization in an experiment does not really achieve the same purpose as a random selection in a sample. When you do a simple random sample, the idea is to get a sample that's representative of the population. In an experiment, the purpose of randomly assigning individuals to groups is to filter out unknown sources of variation. The assignment in an experiment, however, is fairly similar to the way you would randomly select in a sample.
Replication is the last key idea in experimental design, which basically states that a bigger sample is better. Repeating the experiment on multiple subjects or experimental units is a better idea than doing a few. Why is that?
A larger size of the experiment means it's more likely that you can find trends that perhaps you wouldn't have found in a smaller experiment. The more you replicate, and the more experimental units you can get into your experiment, the more likely it is that you're going to find the true trends that arise, rather than some freak anomaly.