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Environmental Effects on Microbial Growth

Author: Sophia

what's covered
In this lesson, you will learn about ways in which environmental conditions affect microbial growth. This is important when understanding microbial growth and interactions in nature and essential to understanding the best ways to culture microbes in the laboratory. It is also helpful in understanding why so many microbes cannot be cultured in the laboratory, meaning that genetic techniques have been essential to identifying and studying them. Specifically, this lesson will cover the following:

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

All organisms require certain conditions for growth and microbes are no exception. For example, humans become physiologically stressed if they are too hot or cold, and extreme conditions can even be lethal. The same is true for other organisms.

In this lesson, you will learn about some of the most critical environmental factors that influence environmental growth. However, it is important to remember that the environment can vary in diverse ways and microbes can be affected by many factors beyond those discussed here.

2. Oxygen

For humans and many other organisms, oxygen is essential for life. As you may remember from the tutorials on metabolism, oxygen is the terminal electron acceptor of the electron transport chain used in cellular respiration. This means that it is essential for organisms such as humans to produce sufficient ATP to survive.

However, atmospheric oxygen (molecular oxygen, or O2) is only one form of oxygen in nature. Oxygen can also form reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are highly unstable and potentially harmful to living organisms. These include singlet oxygen (1O2), superoxide (O2), peroxides such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and hydroxyl radical (OH∙; note that the radical differs from a hydroxide ion in that it has a single unpaired electron on oxygen and no charge). The hypochlorite ion (OCl), which is the active ingredient in household bleach, is another example and a reason why bleach is so effective as a disinfectant (a term that you will study in more detail in the tutorial on chemical control of microbes).

To thrive in an oxygen-rich environment, organisms need ways to detoxify ROS. They can accomplish this using specialized enzymes. In particular, the following three enzymes are used: peroxidases, superoxide dismutase, and catalase.

did you know
Have you ever poured hydrogen peroxide on a wound and watched the clear liquid begin to form bubbles? Hydrogen peroxide reacts with catalase in the wound (produced by your body), and this converts the potentially harmful peroxide into harmless molecular oxygen (O2) and water (H2O).

Genetic analysis is commonly used to identify microbes now that it is becoming increasingly readily available, but one test that used to be commonly used in identification was a catalase test. By adding a drop of catalase to a sample, it was possible to determine whether the microbes produced catalase (and therefore bubbles) or not (leaving clear liquid). In the photo below, the sample of clear liquid on the left is catalase negative because the microbes did not have catalase and the sample of bubbling liquid on the right is catalase positive because the microbes did have catalase. This test is still very useful to distinguish aerotolerant streptococci that lack catalase from staphylococci, which are facultative anaerobes that have catalase.

One way to observe the different requirements for molecular oxygen is by growing bacteria in thioglycolate tube cultures. This medium has a low percentage of agar, allowing microbes to move throughout the test tube. Because thioglycolate has strong reducing properties and autoclaving to remove contaminating bacteria removes oxygen, oxygen gradually diffuses through the culture from the environment starting at the top of the culture tube. Therefore, there is a gradient of oxygen that is high at the top and decreases deeper in the tube.

When bacteria are inoculated into thioglycolate medium, their growth pattern reflects their oxygen requirements and tolerance. The image and table below illustrate the following types of bacteria.

Tube Term Oxygen Requirements
Tube A Obligate aerobes They require oxygen and only grow near the top of the medium.
Tube B Obligate anaerobes They require an oxygen-free environment and only grow near the bottom of the medium.
Tube C Facultative anaerobes They can grow with or without oxygen but can use aerobic respiration to produce more ATP when oxygen is present. Therefore, they are most abundant near the top of the medium but found throughout the tube.
Tube D Aerotolerant anaerobes They are not affected by the presence or absence of oxygen and grow evenly throughout the tube.
Tube E Microaerophiles They require a low concentration of oxygen (below the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere) and grow near but below the surface of the medium where the oxygen concentration is about 1–10% (versus approximately 21% in the atmosphere).

try it
After culturing bacteria in thioglycolate medium, you observe the growth pattern shown in the tube below.
Bacteria showing growth only at the bottom of the thioglycolate medium.

Obligate anaerobes generally lack peroxidases, catalases, and superoxide dismutase. Aerotolerant anaerobes have superoxide dismutase but no catalase.

try it
While running tests on a bacterial culture, you discover that the bacteria do not produce bubbles in a catalase test (i.e., they do not have catalase) but grow equally well in the presence and absence of oxygen.
How would you classify this bacterial species (with respect to oxygen requirements)?
This bacterium is most likely an aerotolerant anaerobe.

Obligate anaerobes are common in nature. The image below shows two examples. Part (a) shows a photo of a bog where there are many areas of dense sediments that are often anaerobic when undisturbed. Part (b) shows cows that have anaerobic microbes living in their rumens. The rumen is a pouch off of the esophagus where plant matter can be digested by microbes to help cows and other ruminants extract more nutrition from it.

Special equipment is required to grow strict (obligate) anaerobes. The image below shows two examples. Part (a) shows an anaerobic jar containing petri dishes of medium. This jar contains chemical packs to remove oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Part (b) shows an anaerobic chamber. It is possible to use the gloves attached to the side to manipulate cultures within the oxygen-free environment inside the chamber.

All organisms have an optimum oxygen concentration at which they grow best. The minimum permissive oxygen concentration is the lowest oxygen concentration at which they can grow, whereas the maximum permissive oxygen concentration is the highest oxygen concentration at which they can grow.

terms to know
Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)
Oxygen species that are highly unstable and potentially harmful to living organisms.
Thioglycolate Tube Cultures
Tube cultures containing thioglycolate medium that are used to distinguish organisms by their oxygen requirements.
Obligate Aerobes
Organisms that require oxygen.
Obligate Anaerobes
Organisms that require an oxygen-free environment.
Facultative Anaerobes
Organisms that can grow with or without oxygen but can use aerobic respiration to produce more ATP when oxygen is present.
Aerotolerant Anaerobes
Organisms that are not affected by the presence or absence of oxygen.
Organisms that require a low concentration of oxygen (below the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere).
Optimum Oxygen Concentration
The oxygen concentration at which an organism grows best.
Minimum Permissive Oxygen Concentration
The lowest oxygen concentration at which an organism can grow.
Maximum Permissive Oxygen Concentration
The highest oxygen concentration at which an organism can grow.

3. pH

Another important environmental factor to consider is pH. Among other effects, pH influences the structure of molecules such as proteins (including enzymes).

Organisms also have varying tolerances for pH. The optimum growth pH is the most favorable pH for growth. The minimum growth pH and the maximum growth pH are the lowest and highest pH values that an organism can tolerate, respectively. These values may be influenced by other environmental factors.

Most bacteria are neutrophiles, meaning that they grow best at a pH of around 7. Acidophiles are organisms that grow optimally at pH values below 5.55 and alkaliphiles grow optimally at pH values between 8.0 and 10.5. The image below shows examples of growth rates at varying pH values for each of these types of organisms.

A graph with pH on the X-axis and growth rate on the Y-axis. One bell-shaped curve peaks at about pH 3 and drops down, reaching a growth rate of 0 at pH 1 and 5.5. This line is labeled acidophile. Another bell curve peaks at pH 7 and drops to 0 at pH 5.5 and 8.5. This is labeled neutrophile. The final curve peaks at pH 9.5 and drops to 0 at pH of 7.5 and 11.5. This is labeled alkaliphile.

Microbes that grow at extreme pH values have specialized adaptations that allow them to thrive under these conditions. Microbes also often affect the pH of their environment (e.g., by producing acidic fermentation products). For many years, it was thought that bacteria could not survive in the stomach because of the low pH of stomach acid. However, it is now known that multiple species (most famously Helicobacter pylori) can survive in the stomach and are associated with conditions such as stomach ulcers and stomach cancer (e.g., Liu et al., 2022).

The photo below shows a view from space of Lake Natron in Tanzania. This lake is bright to pale pink because of the growth of microbes that can thrive in the highly alkaline and saline environment.

terms to know
Optimum Growth pH
The most favorable pH for growth of an organism.
Minimum Growth pH
The lowest pH value that an organism can tolerate.
Maximum Growth pH
The highest pH value that an organism can tolerate.
An organism that grows best at a pH of around 7.
An organism that grows optimally at pH values below 5.55.
An organism that grows optimally at pH values between 8.0 and 10.5.

4. Temperature

As with pH, temperature affects many characteristics of organisms. For example, it affects the structure and function of proteins (such as enzymes) and membranes. Therefore, organisms need specialized adaptations to live at particular temperatures.

The optimum growth temperature is the temperature at which an organism grows most rapidly. The maximum growth temperature is the highest temperature at which growth can occur. The minimum growth temperature is the lowest temperature at which growth can occur. However, all of these values may be influenced by changes in other environmental factors that interact with the effects of temperature.

The photo below shows a deep sea vent and is an example of an environment containing an abundance of life highly specialized for a hot environment. The overall structure is called a black smoker and plumes of black smoke can be seen emerging from the base, which is covered with red and white tubeworms.

The image and table below summarize the major categories of organisms by temperature preferences.

Name Description Optimum Growth Temperature Notes
Psychrophiles Cold-loving organisms; Can grow at 0 °C and below Around 15 °C Usually do not survive above 20 °C
Mesophiles Prefer intermediate temperatures Intermediate (including human body temperature) Most human pathogens are in this group
Thermophiles Heat-loving organisms 50–80 °C Do not multiply at room temperature
Hyperthermophiles Growth ranges of 80–110 °C Generally 80–100 °C A few can even survive at about 121 °C

Survival in extreme environments requires highly specialized adaptations. For example, the ratio of saturated lipids may increase to maintain membrane rigidity at higher temperatures and decrease to maintain membrane fluidity at lower temperatures. Some archaea have monolayer membranes that help maintain their structure at high temperatures. Organisms that thrive in extreme environments are called extremophiles and all types (not just those that thrive at high or low temperatures) have many unique adaptations that allow them to exploit resources and habitats unavailable to other organisms.

try it
A bacterium has a very high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids in its membrane.
Is this species more likely to be a psychrophile or a thermophile?
This bacterium is probably a psychrophile. Having a high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids helps to keep the membrane more fluid under cooler temperatures. In contrast, microbes that live at high temperatures tend to have more saturated fatty acids to help keep their membranes from becoming too fluid.

try it
Many bacteria live on the human skin as commensals.
Of the possible terms used to describe bacteria that thrive at different temperature ranges, which term likely best describes most of these commensals?
To thrive on human skin, bacteria must be able to grow well at temperatures near or slightly below human body temperature (as the skin is cooler than the core body temperature). Therefore, human commensals that survive on the body long term, like human pathogens, are mesophiles.

terms to know
Optimum Growth Temperature
The temperature at which an organism grows most rapidly.
Maximum Growth Temperature
The highest temperature at which growth can occur.
Minimum Growth Temperature
The lowest temperature at which growth can occur.
An organism that thrives at low temperatures (optimum around 15 °C).
An organism that thrives at intermediate temperatures (includes most human pathogens).
An organism that thrives at high temperatures (optimum around 50 °C to 80 °C).
An organism that thrives at very high temperatures (optimum of 80 °C to 110 °C or even higher).

5. Other Factors

Many factors besides those already discussed can affect microbial growth and these factors can interact in complex ways. Factors of particular importance are solute concentration, barometric pressure, and light.

In general, microbes live in environments that have lower solute concentrations than their cytoplasm. Among other mechanisms, many organisms have cell walls that provide protection from bursting in these cases. When osmotic pressure is high (i.e., the solute concentration outside of the cell is higher than inside of the cell), then water tends to move out of the cell through osmosis and plasmolysis or crenation occurs.

Halophiles are microbes that thrive in environments with high salt concentrations. Extreme halophiles such as the archaeal genus Halobacterium thrive in even higher salt concentrations such as the conditions found in the Great Salt Lake of Utah. These organisms have several mechanisms of survival. Some pump out salt ions and maintain a high concentration of glycerol, Halobacterium species accumulate high concentrations of potassium ions in their cytoplasm and have proteins designed for high salt concentrations.

Halotolerant organisms do not require high salt concentrations in the way that halophiles do but are able to survive in relatively high salt concentrations. Some of these organisms are important pathogens because they can survive in food.

Other organisms can survive high barometric pressures, such as those found at the bottom of the ocean. These organisms are called barophiles and are difficult to study as it is so hard to replicate the conditions under which they thrive.

Finally, light is an important environmental factor that influences growth. As you have learned in other tutorials, some organisms are photosynthetic and require particular wavelengths of light to carry out photosynthesis. These organisms are found in a range of environments and require varying light intensities. They have varied combinations of photosynthetic pigments, and some require much higher concentrations of light than others.

terms to know
A microbe that thrives in environments with high salt concentrations.
Extreme Halophile
A microbe that thrives in extremely high salt concentrations.
Halotolerant Organism
An organism that does not require high salt concentrations but can survive in relatively high salt concentrations.
An organism that can survive high barometric pressures.

In this lesson, you learned about the types of environmental factors that affect microbial growth. After an introduction, you learned about several important factors. These include oxygen, which is essential to some organisms but lethal or unimportant to others. You also learned about the terminology for organisms that survive at different ranges of pH and temperature, as well as a few ways in which organisms are specialized to survive under extreme conditions. Finally, you learned about some other environmental factors that affect growth such as solute concentration, barometric pressure, and light. These factors can all affect growth individually or in complex combinations and each species must be adapted to thrive in the conditions it lives in.



Liu, D., Wang, J., & Xie, Y. (2022). Refractory Helicobacter pylori infection and the gastric microbiota. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 12, 976710.

Terms to Know

An organism that grows optimally at pH values below 5.55.

Aerotolerant Anaerobes

Organisms that are not affected by the presence or absence of oxygen.


An organism that grows optimally at pH values between 8.0 and 10.5.


An organism that can survive high barometric pressures.

Extreme Halophile

A microbe that thrives in extremely high salt concentrations.

Facultative Anaerobes

Organisms that can grow with or without oxygen but can use aerobic respiration to produce more ATP when oxygen is present.


A microbe that thrives in environments with high salt concentrations.

Halotolerant Organism

An organism that does not require high salt concentrations but can survive in relatively high salt concentrations.


An organism that thrives at very high temperatures (optimum of 80 °C to 110 °C or even higher).

Maximum Growth Temperature

The highest temperature at which growth can occur.

Maximum Growth pH

The highest pH value that an organism can tolerate.

Maximum Permissive Oxygen Concentration

The highest oxygen concentration at which an organism can grow.


An organism that thrives at intermediate temperatures (includes most human pathogens).


Organisms that require a low concentration of oxygen (below the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere).

Minimum Growth Temperature

The lowest temperature at which growth can occur.

Minimum Growth pH

The lowest pH value that an organism can tolerate.

Minimum Permissive Oxygen Concentration

The lowest oxygen concentration at which an organism can grow.


An organism that grows best at a pH of around 7.

Obligate Aerobes

Organisms that require oxygen.

Obligate Anaerobes

Organisms that require an oxygen-free environment.

Optimum Growth Temperature

The temperature at which an organism grows most rapidly.

Optimum Growth pH

The most favorable pH for growth of an organism.

Optimum Oxygen Concentration

The oxygen concentration at which an organism grows best.


An organism that thrives at low temperatures (optimum around 15 °C).

Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)

Oxygen species that are highly unstable and potentially harmful to living organisms.


An organism that thrives at high temperatures (optimum around 50 °C to 80 °C).

Thioglycolate Tube Cultures

Tube cultures containing thioglycolate medium that are used to distinguish organisms by their oxygen requirements.