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Dürer and Printmaking

Author: Ian McConnell
Video Transcript
Terms to Know
Cross Hatching

The use of lines that cross over, particularly in printmaking and drawing, to indicate shadow and depth.


An important process in Renaissance printmaking that flourished with the invention of accessible paper and the printing press where a design is cut onto a flat surface with a tool called a burin.


Gradations of tone (shades of grey) between black and white.


The use of parallel straight lines, particularly in printmaking and drawing, to indicate shadow and depth.

Intaglio Printing

A technique used in printmaking where an image is cut into the surface of a copper or zinc plate with a special tool called a burin.

Relief Printing

A technique used in printmaking where a print is made from the raised images of a surface, includes embossing and letterpress.


A printmaking process where an image is carved onto the surface of a piece of wood removing parts of the wood. The carved raised part of the wood is covered with ink and pressed onto a surface transferring the image onto surfaces such as a piece of paper or fabric.