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Have you ever participated in an exciting meeting where the ideas were flowing and everyone was engaged in fruitful collaboration? What about a meeting that seemed to be a waste of everyone's time, or where the information shared could have been more easily and usefully conveyed in another format? The difference between an effective meeting and an ineffective meeting sometimes can be attributed to the agenda, the composition of the group, or other factors outside the control of participants. But much of the time, the success of the meeting boils down to the quality of communication that occurs in the meeting.
In this tutorial, you will learn about internal meetings, which include both scheduled and ad-hoc meetings among an organization's staff, such as all-staff meetings, work team check-ins, and collaborative working sessions. This is in contrast to external meetings, such as meetings with clients, customers, and external stakeholders, which may have a different set of expectations from internal meetings and will be discussed in Unit 4. Internal meetings can take place in person, virtually via web-conferencing software like Zoom or Google Meet, or in a hybrid model—the principles of good communication in meetings are the same whether you meet around a table or on a screen.
Internal meetings bring together team members with diverse skills and roles to plan and complete projects that could not be completed by any one person alone. An effective meeting improves motivation, settles conflicts, and ensures that everyone on the team understands their role and tasks; it may also generate team support for difficult tasks, improving morale and motivation.
Regular meetings are also one of the key ways that relationships can develop among staff. The minutes before and after the meeting are often spent with casual, off-topic conversation. These informal communications help build team cohesion and make the meeting and the team more effective.
Yet many people complain about meetings, and may describe them as a waste of time. Tolstoy famously wrote that all happy families are the same and all unhappy families are unique. But if Tolstoy were describing business meetings, he might reverse his aphorism and say that all ineffective meetings are the same, and all effective meetings are unique. An effective meeting feels like nothing could have taken its place; an ineffective meeting, some may moan, could have been an email.
There are many ways that meetings can become an unpleasant and unproductive blight on a work calendar. You don’t usually have the luxury of picking who you are going to work with on a team; dealing with different personalities and personal agendas is a common challenge in meetings as each person tries to steer the meeting toward their interests. Other common challenges include poor leadership, a lack of focus, dominant personalities, bad communication, groupthink, and social loafing. The key to combating these challenges is to be able to identify when they are taking place.
A regular meeting of the telephone support team at a software company is almost always ineffective. The team leader and de facto leader of the meetings, Dan, is often unprepared due to a busy schedule, and the meeting is frequently interrupted because, as the support team, they still have to answer calls that come in during the meeting. The meetings are further derailed by the conversation frequently turning to the most abusive or foolish callers. One staff person in particular tends to bring these into the conversation and give detailed recounts of the calls, mimicking the voices of customers. Dan doesn’t like to interrupt these stories because he feels the team needs the support they receive from sharing the most frustrating experiences. However, the meetings run long and they still run out of time for other important issues. Which of the above issues can you identify here?The first job of a meeting's leader is to have a clear sense of purpose for every meeting. Many teams schedule regular team meetings to address the issues and challenges that accumulate each week in the course of regular business. However, if no such items come up, the team should be willing to cancel the meeting. Too many times the meeting is seen as a commitment and team members look for ways to fill the time, instead of letting the purpose come first.
A good method to keep meetings focused is using an agenda and distributing it prior to meetings. An agenda is a list of the activities or topics of discussion that will be included in a meeting, listed in order and often including timing estimates. An agenda can get people on the same page and encourage participants to prepare for the topics under discussion. All functional and mature teams should have meeting agendas and planning documents in order to be sure no one is making assumptions about the meeting’s purpose.
Crucially, the leader of a meeting must also ensure that the agenda is followed! A well-planned agenda won't do anyone any good if topics are introduced out of order or the intended focus of the meeting is ignored once everyone is in the room.
Antonio is leading the weekly team meeting, based on an agenda he shared in advance. At the start of the meeting, he quickly runs through the agenda so that his teammates are reminded of their objectives for the next hour. When the group is discussing the second agenda item about the new sales reports, Finn begins to share an extended anecdote about a conversation he had with someone from the sales team. As soon as Antonio realizes that Finn's anecdote has the potential to set off a cascade of similar sales anecdotes from their team members, Antonio politely interrupts Finn and reminds him of the agenda. If there is time at the end of the meeting once all the agenda items have been covered, Antonio might then invite Finn to share his anecdote.Another strategy for making a meeting successful is to assign meeting-specific roles. Everyone is responsible for brainstorming, problem-solving and offering their experience and knowledge, but there are three meeting-specific roles that no meeting should be without. None of these need to be permanent roles, but can rotate among team members.
Recall the earlier example of ineffective meetings of the telephone support team at a software company. Dan considers how to improve the effectiveness of the team meetings by assigning new meeting roles. He decides to appoint Rosa, a well-liked teammate with the capacity in her schedule for meeting planning, to be the meeting facilitator. Rosa identifies many of the issues that are cropping up: bad leadership (at least for the meetings), lack of focus (at least on the priorities), dominant personalities, and frequent distractions.
Rosa decides that for each meeting she will set an agenda with time limits and priority items at the top, appoint a timekeeper, and make sure the group keeps to the agenda items. She recognizes the importance of the sharing stories about difficult callers, and indeed she sees it as such a crucial opportunity for staff development that she decides to schedule it as its own, optional meeting at a different time—now, when the conversation turns to discussing individual callers, Rosa redirects team members to save these stories for the separate caller grievance meeting.
Rosa also appeals to management to make exceptions to their company policy and let calls go to voicemail during the weekly meeting time, so that everybody on the team can fully participate. They compromise by having the meetings early in the morning when call volume is low. Finally, Rosa, with Dan's support, privately asks the dominant personality to keep her comments brief during the meeting,
Much of the tips you have learned so far have been for the leaders and facilitators of internal meetings. It's true that a lot of the responsibility for the success of a meeting falls to its leader, but effectively participating in a meeting that you are not leading is also a crucial skill.
Remember the guiding principle that all communications are part of the relationships you are building and maintaining with your colleagues; meetings are an important part of these relationships. Indeed, meetings might be the primary time you interact with some of your colleagues, and your best chance to improve—or undermine—those relationships.
The following are tips for effective participation in internal meetings. But be aware that all of these tips are subject to the specific culture of your workplace and team.
Roy hates meetings, and used to play on his phone to get through them. His supervisor mentioned in his performance review that other people noticed and found it both distracting and disrespectful. To keep himself engaged Roy instead plays the role of “black hat” or “devil’s advocate.” This is sometimes misunderstood as being antagonistic, but when done right it means asking the right questions to make sure all the bases are covered, or simply asking for clarification or examples. Many meeting leaders assign this role. When the plans for the company picnic are given, Roy is the one who will ask what will happen if it rains. If the picnic includes games and activities, Roy asks if there will be a first aid kit on hand. Roy also helps the meeting leader or other presenters by asking questions others might not have considered. When their tech lead describes new software, Roy asks if the training will be recorded for later viewing or how to get online support. He finds meetings more tolerable if he can keep his mind active, and his colleagues no longer feel disrespected by him.Source: This tutorial has been adapted from Lumen Learning's "Business Communication Skills for Managers." Access for free at License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.