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Bill Nye Demonstration: How do Germs Spread?

Author: Bill Nye

Be Careful What You Touch!

Don't want to "catch" a cold? Watch this video on how germs spread.

What are Germs?

Our bodies are pretty amazing. Day after day, they work hard — digesting food, pumping blood and oxygen, sending signals from our brains and our nerves, and much more.

But there is a group of tiny invaders that can make our bodies sick — they're called germs.

Some kids may think that germs are bugs or cooties or other gross stuff. Actually, germs are tiny organisms, or living things, that can cause disease. Germs are so small and sneaky that they creep into our bodies without being noticed. In fact, germs are so tiny that you need to use a microscope to see them. When they get in our bodies, we don't know what hit us until we have symptoms that say we've been attacked!

Want to learn more? Check out What are Germs? on


Spreading Germs Activity

Use this lesson to help your kids see how germs spread. No runny noses needed!


Learning More is a Click Away

Remember what its like to have that stuffy, itchy nose and watery eyes? You can avoid catching every cold you encounter by washing your hands and staying well rested. In fact, the more you know about human illnesses, the better prepared you are to avoid getting sick at all. 

Check out Human Biology. Topics covered in this course include:

  • basic human biology concepts
  • skeletal & muscular systems
  • respiratory, circulatory, immune, and digestive systems
  • urinary, endocrine, and reproductive systems
  • genetics and biotechnology and their application

Additional Viewing Resources


View the following tutorials to learn more about the biology of germs. –Colds and Influenza – Microbes: Viruses – Microbes:  Bacteria