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Avery Williams

Author: Avery Williams

What are the basic coins?

Lets get to know the basic coins...

Penny = 1 cent

Nickel = 5 cents

Dime = 10 cents

Quarter = 25 cents

Learning the value of the coins

Counting coins can be so much fun! Now that we know how much each coin is worth lets see how many pennies make up a nickel, dime, and quarter. Also, did you know that you can use different coins to make up a dollar? Pay attention and take notes because you never know if this will a quiz question. Have fun counting coins!

How many pennies in a Nickel? How many nickels in a dime? What coins make up a quarter? How many quarters in a dollar?

All the above questions will be answered in this video. This video is like the previous one and covers similar information. It provides extra review if you need more help. Remember to pay attention!

Can we use different coins to make the same amount?

Yes we can! This worksheet contains different amounts of coins on it. For each set of coins you must circle the coins that are worth the same amount. It can be tricky! If you need help, you can always review the videos and remember how much each coin is worth. 

When you click on the link below it will take you to a different page, but don't worry you can always come back to the class page.

Extra! Extra! Extra!

Here is some extra practice before taking the quiz. Get out a piece of paper. Below will be an amount of money in cents or dollars. On the piece of paper you will write the amount given plus draw the coins that you would use to make up that amount. For example, if the amount was 50 cents, I would write 50 cents on my paper and draw 2 quarters.

1. 60 cents

2. 12 cents

3. 55 cents

4. 79 cents

5. 11 cents

6. 1 dollar and 5 cents

7. 30 cents

8. 1 dollar and 20 cents

9. 1 dollar and 50 cents

10. 66 cents