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1950's & Science Ficiton III (Short Stories- Concept 3)

Author: Nichole Carter

1950's & Science Fiction III

Source: created by Nichole Carter using power point and

Slides to the above video: 1950's & Science Fiction

A brief historical context for science fiction utopian/dystopian short stories written during the 1950's. In order to understand the stories you must understand the time frame in which they were written.

Source: Created by Nichole Carter, power point.


Source: Created by Nichole Carter, original idea Crystal Kirch

Extension Project Ideas

If you guys would like to do a "movie trailer," or book review on any of the novels talked about, or another novel not talked about but that you think might be a dystopian novel please see me! They could be included in this tutorial. 

Click here for a good list of new dystopian novels in on the book store/ library shelves today!